uPlanner was part of HETS Corporate Board Session in New York City
We are pleased to have participated in the Corporate Session of the HETS Board of Directors organized in New York City.
Mario Sanchez, uPlanner CCO and Ruben Dario Rivas Mena, Channel Account Manager were at the event and shared the work that uPlanner is doing with colleges and universities around the world.
The objective of the event was to expose the changes in teaching and learning in higher education focused on the following strategic axes Access, Retention and Successful Completion, Online Learning / Technology Integration.
This past June 23-24, the Hispanic Educational Technology Services (HETS) Consortium held its summer Board of Directors meeting, hosted by Dr. Anthony Munroe, President of the Borough of Manhattan Community College. Over 40 HETS member institutions were represented at the meeting, both in person and virtually, along with their new members: Lehman College of New York, a former founding institution rejoining HETS, and Instituto Tecnológico Rumiñahui of Ecuador; corporate members, Anthology, InQmatic, CampusCare and uPlanner; and partner, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).
As part of the agenda, the HETS Board of Directors held its nomination and election process for its Executive Committee, where President Dr. Carlos Morales, President of TCC Connect Campus-Tarrant County College; Eng. Gladys Nieves, President of EDP University; and Dr. Carlos Vargas-Aburto, President of Southeast Missouri State University, renewed their commitment for two more years as President, Treasurer and Secretary, respectively. Likewise, Dr. Havidán Rodríguez, President of the University at Albany; Dr. Tomás Morales, President of California State University, San Bernardino; and Dr. Maritza Rondón, President of the Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, renewed their mandates as representatives of the Eastern, Western and International Regions, respectively. In addition, Dr. Olga E. Rivera, President and CEO of ICPR Junior College was nominated and elected to the position of Vice President for a two-year term.
During the two-day event, HETS also held a special event with book author, professor and recipient of many academic awards from Canadian organizations, Dr. Martha Cleveland-Innes of Athabasca University in Canada. Her presentation Higher Education Change in Teaching and Learning and the Role of Digital Communities of Inquiry reached faculty, administrators and the academic community in Puerto Rico, the United States and Latin America (a recording of this presentation is available on the HETS website).
At uPlanner we are happy to join HETS as a corporate partner, to continue to promote and support the capabilities of member institutions to improve access, retention and success of Hispanic/Latino students in higher education through the strategic integration of technology.